Dougherty County GaArchives Obituaries.....Benford, Anita I. Pataro January 3, 2006
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Ann Yeager and Freddie Page  April 3, 2007, 6:57 am

The Albany Herald - 2006
Saturday, January 7, 2006

Anita I. Pataro Benford

  ALBANY — Anita I. Pataro Benford, 83, of 1904 Palmyra Nursing Home died 
January 3, 2006, at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital.

  A private interment was held at Riverside Cemetery.

  A native of Poughkeepsie, NY, Mrs. Benford had lived in Albany
for over 50 years where she was employed with Gargano's Italian
Restaurant until her retirement.

  Survivors include her daughter-in-law, Rosemary of Albany;
sisters,  Rita  Brue  and  Gilda Deichler of New York; brother,
Jennaro Pataro of New York.

  Those desiring may make memorials to a favorite charity.


       Funeral Directors

     Albany 229/883-4152

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