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Donald L. Pye Redstar36@aol.com May 17, 2004, 10:57 am

Madison Co. News, Madison, Ga,  10 Apr 1936
Obituary - 10 Apr 1936 Mrs. Minnie Austin Passes Saturday
  Old Resident Dies Saturday Morning From Long Illness.  Buried Sunday
  Saturday morning at her home in this city Mrs. Minnie Austin passed away.  
She had been in failing health for a long while and for several days before her 
death the end was expected at any time.
  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, conducted by 
Rev. Zach Hayes, pastor of the Methodist church.  The services were largely 
attended despite the rain that fell in torrents.
  A choir composed of Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Parks, Mr. Wise and Mr. E. G. Atkinson, 
sang "Those Golden Bells" and "It is Well With My Soul."
  At no funeral ever held here has their been seen more beautiful flowers.  
Many of them were rarely beautiful and wrought into artistic and exquisite 
  Active pall bearers were Messrs. George Kilpatrick, W, S. Reid, Paul Rhodes, 
P. S. Burney, J. A. Cunningham and W. T. Bacon.
  Honorary pallbearers were Messrs. C. L. C. Thomas, J. W. Douglass, L. T. 
Penick, P. N. Little, R. S. Harris, J. B. Harris.
  Interment was in the family lot of the new cemetery.  Hemperley Undertaking 
Co., in charge.
  Since her early life Mrs, Austin had been a faithful member of the Methodist 
  Minnie Freeman was the daughter of Shadie Ann Pye and Stephen B. Freeman, and 
was born in Columbus, Ga.,  August 31, 1866.  When only a child she moved with 
her parents to Forsyth, Ga., where she was reared.
  She came from strong and sturdy pioneers and was herself a strong minded and 
capable woman.  She was educated in the schools of her home town, finishing in 
music and art at what is now Brenau College and studied later at Bessie Tift 
and at what was then Southern Baptist Seminary.  She was never a negative 
character but was always strong in her likes and dislikes.
  In 1887 in Conyers, Ga., she was married to Mr. J. T. P. Austin, and moved 
with him, in 1890 to Madison, buying what is still known as the Austin place, 
near town, on the Bethany road, where Mr. C. H. Land now lives.  Selling it 
many years later they moved to the home in town where she died and where Mr. 
Austin died several years ago.
  Two children were born to them - Frank Pennington Austin and Irene Austin. 
The daughter married Mr. W. H. Fitzpatrick of Atlanta, and died a few years 
later - May 2 1*12.  Mr. Frank Austin now lives in Atlanta.
  An only sister, Mrs. Lila Konze, lives at Roanoke, Va.
  Minnie Austin McKinney, a sister's child, was orphaned at the age of six 
years, and was taken by the aunt and reared into a noble and useful young 
woman, now Mrs. Rupert Strickland, of Sanford, Fla.  The devotion of the aunt 
to this young niece was rare and unfailing and its abundant fruitage is found 
in the tender love and untiring service of the niece, especially during her 
aunt's last days.  Neighbors and friends were also constant and faithful in 
their ministrations and especially at tentative, and untiring was Mrs. Clare 
Holle, who was in the home during the patient's last illness and also Mrs... 
Austin's niece, Mrs. Edward Stewart, of Atlanta.
  The members of the local chapter; U. D. C. attended the funeral in a body as 
honorary escort.  Mr. Austin was a gallant confederate soldier and Mrs. Austin 
was a loyal and active member of the local chapter.
  Those from out-of-town who attended the funeral were Mr. Marion D. Simms, 
Misses Juliette Simms, Wilene Kitchings and Carolyn Maxwell, Mrs. Edward 
Stewart, Mr. B. K. Austin, Mr. L. K. Austin, Mrs. H. P. Austin, Mr. Jack Swann, 
Miss Elmina Austin, Mr. A. R. Alley, Miss Myra Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Reid 
Kilpatrick, Leila Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chamblee, all of Atlanta, and 
Mr. George Kilpatrick, of Eatonton.

Additional Comments:
3rd cousin twice removed of Donald L. Pye

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