Berrien County GaArchives Obituaries.....Bennefield, Rita Evelyn Cone February 2, 2011
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Shirley McMillan Durden August 25, 2018, 6:42 pm

The Berrien Press - February 9. 2011
 Rita Evelyn Bennefield, 80, of Ray City February 2, 2011 at her residence.
 Born April 9, 1930 in Berrien County to the late Dewey Lessie and Velma Sowell C
Cone, she was a homemaker and worked at Metal Products in Valdosta and Berrien C
County Hospital as a certified nursing assistant. She was of the Methodist f
faith. She is preceded in death by a son, Raymond Bennefield, who died in 1992, a
and a sister, Elizabeth Wallace.
 Survivors include two daughters and sons-in-law, Joan (Allen) Royals and 
Maxine (Tim) Hawkins, all of Ray City; five sons and daughters-in-law, Gene 
(Margaret) Bennefield, Ashville, AL, Wesley (Cathie) Bennefield, Terry (Linda) 
Bennefield, Tonie (Karen) Bennefield, all of Ray City, Wayne (Anita) 
Bennefield, Castleberry, FL; 20 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren, one 
great-great-grandchild; sister, Effie Mae Roberts, Valdosta; brother, J.D. C
Cone, Ray City.
 Funeral service were held February 5 at 2 p.m. at Ray City United Methodist 
Church with the Revs. Wayne Mitchell, Wayne Bennefield, and Debbie Cone 
officiating. Allison Ray sang “God on the Mountain” and “On the Wings of a 
Dove.” Della Purvis sang “Consider the Lilies,” and Lauren Plair sang “I Can Only
Only Imagine.
 Interment was in New Ramah Cemetery.
 Pallbearers were Michael Bennefield, Brian Bennefield, Jonathan Bennefield, Le
Lee Bennefield, Van Bennefield, Preston Durden.
 Lovein Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

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