Clay County AlArchives Obituaries.....Amason, Wm J. November 27, 1911
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Lineville Headlight
W.J. Amason, was born in Macon County on June 9, 1835, move to Randolph County 
(now Clay), in 1842; was married to Minerva East in the fall of 1861; joined the 
Baptist church at Wesobulga in 1868, of which he remained a member until his 
death at Lineville, November 27, 1910. He was willing to go when he realized the 
end was near. He said to his children "Live right and be honest, there's a 
better place than this world." His children: were all present when, the end came 
except his oldest son, Jim, whose business called him home. The funeral was 
preached July 30, 1911, by Rev. W. M. Worthy to a large crowd of Children, 
grandchildren and friends. To know him was to be his friend. He has now gone to 
meet his companion who went on some twenty-five years ago. We children must go 
sometime, and I hope to meet all in peace in that home where there will be no 
more parting. His son, J. E. Amason.

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