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Total Records: 974
1Abrahams, Edward K.  __/__/__08/19/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
2Albright, Caroline B.  __/__/__08/4/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
3Alkire, Anna Maria  __/__/__12/27/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
4Allbright, Frederick  __/__/__07/21/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
5Allen, Dorcas L.  __/__/__12/16/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
6Allen, Jeremiah T.  __/__/__06/21/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
7Allen, John T.  __/__/____/__/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
8Allen, John S.  __/__/__12/17/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
9Allen, Susan  __/__/__11/15/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
10Anderson, Anna Bergen  __/__/____/__/1903Virginia Boone
11Applegit, Frank Dorsey  __/__/__05/11/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
12Applegit, John H.  __/__/__08/29/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
13Appleton, Jesse  __/__/__07/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
14Atkinson, Annie Francis  __/__/__06/22/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
15Austin, Philip  __/__/__06/10/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
16Ayars, Caleb M.  __/__/__04/19/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
17Ayars, Lydia Ann  __/__/__12/30/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
18Ayars, Lydia  __/__/__02/7/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
19Ayars, Minerva  __/__/__10/29/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
20Ayars, Reese  __/__/__02/16/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
21Ayres, Edward S.  __/__/__09/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
22Ayres, Sarah D.  __/__/__04/29/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
23Bacon, Dayton H.  __/__/__12/24/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
24Bacon, Elmer E.  __/__/__07/24/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
25Bacon, Hosea H.  __/__/__12/22/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
26Bacon, Mary H.  __/__/__09/4/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
27Badely, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1815Cyndie Enfinger
28Baily, John  __/__/__09/20/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
29Ballinger, Ellis H.  __/__/__08/26/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
30Ballinger, William C.  __/__/__07/19/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
31Bamford, Julia Fisher  __/__/__05/26/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
32Barbason, Ruth  __/__/__09/28/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
33Barber, Samuel  __/__/__10/18/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
34Barker, Reuben J.  __/__/__11/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
35Barnes, Isaiah  __/__/__06/7/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
36Barnett, Maggie L.  __/__/__10/8/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
37Barratt, Lucinda M.  __/__/__01/9/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
38Bateman, David F.  __/__/__06/9/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
39Bateman, Ephraim  __/__/____/__/1815Cyndie Enfinger
40Bateman, Esther E.  __/__/__01/26/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
41Bateman, Ezra  __/__/__07/20/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
42Bateman, Francis  __/__/__07/28/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
43Bateman, Lemuel  __/__/__01/16/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
44Bateman, Maria Louisa  __/__/__11/13/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
45Bateman, Mary  __/__/__05/30/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
46Bateman, Mary W.  __/__/__08/22/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
47Bateman, Moses  __/__/__05/1/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
48Bateman, Ruth Matilda  __/__/__03/28/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
49Bateman, Sarah  __/__/__06/14/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
50Bateman, Sarah  __/__/__08/21/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
51Bateman, Sarah  __/__/__09/15/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
52Bateman, Sobrinah  __/__/__11/22/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
53Bateman, Theophilus E.  __/__/__02/15/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
54Beatty, Hannah  __/__/__02/13/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
55Bennett, Elizabeth J.  __/__/____/__/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
56Bennett, Richard  __/__/__02/18/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
57Bickly, Jacob  __/__/__07/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
58Biger, Hannah Williams  __/__/__07/1/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
59Bishop, Willie Orbanoo  __/__/__11/13/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
60Bitters, Sarah A.  __/__/__01/20/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
61Blakely, Rebecca  __/__/__09/9/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
62Blew, Anna  __/__/__07/14/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
63Blew, Rhodella  __/__/__03/22/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
64Blew, Ruth Ann  __/__/__11/12/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
65Blew, William  __/__/__03/30/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
66Blizzards, Rosa Bell  __/__/__12/28/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
67Blucher, Freney  __/__/__02/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
68Bogar, Florence Virginia  __/__/__09/9/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
69Boggs, Joshua F.  __/__/__04/29/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
70Bonham, Charles  __/__/__01/30/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
71Bonham, Levi  __/__/__02/20/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
72Bonham, Sarah Bacon  __/__/__01/2/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
73Bonham, Tabitha  __/__/__07/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
74Boon, Eden Janetta  __/__/__07/18/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
75Boone, John  __/__/__02/4/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
76Borden, Richard  __/__/__05/11/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
77Bowen, Alice M.  __/__/__03/19/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
78Bowen, Anna  __/__/__08/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
79Bowen, Anna  __/__/__03/21/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
80Bowen, Emily  __/__/__10/9/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
81Bowen, Furman  __/__/__04/9/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
82Bowen, Hannah Seeley  __/__/__01/21/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
83Bowen, Henry S.  __/__/__04/13/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
84Bowen, John  __/__/__01/23/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
85Bowen, Sarah Ann  __/__/__01/21/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
86Bradford, Harrison S.  __/__/__12/26/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
87Bradford, Henry  __/__/__10/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
88Bradway, Adna Sr.  __/__/____/__/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
89Brewster, Charles H.  __/__/__08/9/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
90Brewster, Francis G.  __/__/__08/6/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
91Bright, Elizabeth  __/__/__01/11/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
92Brookfield, Nancy  __/__/__05/15/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
93Brooks, Amy  __/__/__01/20/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
94Brooks, Arabel  __/__/__08/10/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
95Brooks, Henry  __/__/__02/18/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
96Brooks, Jane  __/__/__06/10/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
97Brooks, Leonard  __/__/__05/2/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
98Brooks, Rachel W.  __/__/__01/30/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
99Brooks, Sheppard  __/__/__10/4/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
100Brooks, Wilhelmina  __/__/__03/11/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
101Broomall, Eliza  __/__/__03/9/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
102Brown, Anna  __/__/__01/5/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
103Brown, Charles  __/__/____/__/1815Cyndie Enfinger
104Brown, David  __/__/__04/9/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
105Bryant, Elizabeth  __/__/__02/2/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
106Buck, Charles Elton  __/__/__07/31/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
107Buck, Ephraim  __/__/__07/14/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
108Buck, Joseph  __/__/__03/27/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
109Buck, Martha  __/__/____/__/1816Cyndie Enfinger
110Burch, Matilda  __/__/__03/11/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
111Burgin, Enoch  __/__/____/__/1815Cyndie Enfinger
112Burk, Lewis  __/__/__03/24/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
113Burroughs, Sarah  __/__/__05/20/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
114Burt, Lizzie  __/__/__06/24/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
115Burt, Mary O.  __/__/__08/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
116Burt, Nellie  __/__/__08/6/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
117Butcher, Cyrus  __/__/__04/27/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
118Cain, Walter G.  __/__/__08/20/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
119Calkin, Waldo Pierrie  __/__/____/__/1918Joy Fisher The Registry
120Cam, Howard Franklin  __/__/__11/1/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
121Camac, George L.  __/__/__08/14/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
122Cambios, Ida C.  __/__/__02/26/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
123Campbell, Adeline  __/__/__05/17/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
124Campbell, Emma B.  __/__/__10/6/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
125Campbell, Hannah  __/__/__02/2/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
126Carlisle, Josiah  __/__/__07/17/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
127Carll, Emma Frances  __/__/__07/1/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
128Carll, Esther P.  __/__/__12/10/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
129Carll, Francis D.  __/__/__03/8/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
130Carll, Mary A.  __/__/__02/12/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
131Carmely, Samuel  __/__/__01/5/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
132Cassedy, Andrew  __/__/__03/15/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
133Catell, Anna F.  __/__/__01/29/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
134Chapman, Julius H.  __/__/__09/11/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
135Chapman, Sybil Minera  __/__/__08/6/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
136Charles, Elnorah  __/__/__01/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
137Chattin, John  __/__/__04/30/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
138Cheesman, Charlotte H.  __/__/__03/12/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
139Cheesman, Martha  __/__/__07/29/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
140Cheesman, Sarah  __/__/__01/24/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
141Chew, Benj. F.  __/__/__03/18/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
142Chew, Charles G.  __/__/__08/19/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
143Chew, Jonas  __/__/__08/27/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
144Clark, Annabella T. Corson  __/__/__04/5/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
145Clark, Charles B.  __/__/__10/7/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
146Clark, Emma F  __/__/__12/18/1854Donald Buncie The Registry
147Clark, Ida Viola  __/__/__07/11/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
148Clark, Phebe M. Husted  __/__/__03/24/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
149Clark, Phebe C.  __/__/__03/24/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
150Clark, William  __/__/__03/18/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
151Clark, Wm.  __/__/__03/18/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
152Claypool, Sarah Elizabeth  __/__/__01/7/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
153Claypoole, Harriet B  __/__/__12/5/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
154Clymer, James  __/__/__05/17/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
155Clymer, Jane  __/__/__09/23/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
156Clymer, Mary  __/__/__09/13/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
157Cobb, Charlie B.  __/__/__11/27/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
158Collins, Belford  __/__/____/__/1976Barbara Munson
159Collins, Benjamin Franklin  __/__/____/__/1946Barbara Munson
160Collins, Charles G.  __/__/____/__/1957Barbara Munson
161Collins, Edgar M.  __/__/____/__/1952Barbara Munson
162Collins, Elizabeth G. Farrell  __/__/____/__/1944Barbara Munson
163Collins, Ellis Peause  __/__/____/__/1952Barbara Munson
164Collins, Joseph C.  __/__/__03/3/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
165Collins, Lura O. Hankins  __/__/____/__/1942Barbara Munson
166Collins, Mary Ellen Donovan  __/__/____/__/1938Barbara Munson
167Collins, Mary  __/__/__08/4/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
168Collins, William A.  __/__/____/__/1925Barbara Munson
169Colvin, Lewis M.  __/__/__01/13/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
170Compton,  __/__/____/__/__Donald Buncie The Registry
171Compton, Ann  __/__/__08/10/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
172Compton, Benjamin F.  __/__/__10/5/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
173Compton, Beulah  __/__/__05/8/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
174Compton, Infant  __/__/__03/6/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
175Compton, James W.  __/__/__10/27/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
176Compton, Jane W  __/__/__09/30/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
177Compton, John  __/__/__09/4/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
178Compton, Samuel Jr.  __/__/__12/7/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
179Compton, Sarah Matilda  __/__/__10/10/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
180Conner, Henry W.  __/__/__06/23/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
181Conway, Bathsheba  __/__/__06/30/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
182Coombs, Rebecca  __/__/__02/9/1855Donald Buncie The Registry
183Cornell, Sarah  __/__/__08/15/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
184Cornish, John  __/__/__02/6/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
185Cornwall, Clema  __/__/__12/30/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
186Cornwell, Amanda Nevrel  __/__/__02/25/1859Donald Buncie The Registry
187Cornwell, Wm.  __/__/__03/29/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
188Corson, Andrew  __/__/__03/15/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
189Corson, Hannah  __/__/__04/13/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
190Cory, Ephraim  __/__/__10/1/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
191Couch, David M.  __/__/__03/6/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
192Craig, John  __/__/__11/15/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
193Craig, Samuel  __/__/__09/7/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
194Cream, Benjamin Franklin  __/__/__11/1/1857Donald Buncie The Registry
195Creamer, Hezekiah  __/__/____/__/1910Cyndie Enfinger
196Creamer, Mary S.  __/__/__06/3/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
197Creamer, Richard T.  __/__/__08/23/1860Donald Buncie The Registry
198Cromwell, James W.  __/__/__06/23/1856Donald Buncie The Registry
199Crossley, Wilhelmina  __/__/__12/31/1858Donald Buncie The Registry
200Crouse, Josiah H.  __/__/__02/22/1859Donald Buncie The Registry

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