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St John's Cemetery

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Submitted By Joy FisherThe Registry 08/22/2018

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Survey done in 1930's

Total Records: 62
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1BeckerCarl 3/18/18238/22/1897
2BeckerFrederick 2/23/18742/25/1874
3BeckerMaria 3/5/183012/14/1898
4BeckerWilfred C. 1/30/18901/11/1919
5Borchers1/5/19161/5/1916d/o K. & M.
6BorchersIva A. 4/18/19321/25/1933
7BrunsHannah 2/26/189312/7/1918
8BurmasterCarl D. 6/17/18564/13/1886
9BusboomAultman 9/8/18563/5/1927
10BusboomBehrend 1/__/181710/__/1895s/o B. & A.
11BusboomHempe 8/3/18311/11/1875s/o B. & A.
12BusboomJohann 1/5/18919/18/1891s/o Aultman & Anna
13BusboomTonjes B. 2/2/18601/25/1935
14Deinert__/__/__2/6/1915infant s/o O. M. & Clara
15DeinertOscar 1/6/18565/16/1937
16HeidenreichCarl Friedrich 1/24/18181/1/1883
17Heydon__/__/__02/28/1905infant d/o C. & S.
18HeydonAmalia 6/16/18818/28/1882d/o Ghristoph & Sophia
19HolzFrank 2/15/18693/8/1871s/o F. & D.
20HolzFriederrich 9/7/185711/8/1874s/o Friederrich & Dorothea
21HolzJohannes 1/15/187212/30/1872
22JarmsElsie Paetzmann 6/2/181711/11/1879
23JarmsEmma Louise 1/20/1888__/__/__
24JarmsHenry C. W. 11/1/18777/17/1932
25JarmsWilhelmine 11/11/184410/19/1918w/o Wm.
26JarmsWm. 11/23/184311/4/1924h/o Wilhelmine
27KellenbergCarl H. 6/1/18849/18/1885s/o H. & M.
28KenzendorfRev. Robert __/__/__11/16/1937b. Berlin, Germany; age 48y
29KleineChristian 1/15/183821/31/1902b. Holsen, Westfalen
30KlockemeyerHeinrich 4/18/18241/20/1899
31KloecknerJosephine 4/26/18588/6/1913
32KrekelerErica 3/15/191110/9/1916
33MeyerHeinrich A. 7/26/18698/18/1916
34MeyerWilliam 1/__/18446/__/1922
35MillerHenry 02/08/190504/05/1905
36MillerMargarethe 03/18/190504/15/1905
37MinchowAugust 3/26/184502/27/1905
38Mumme__/__/__2/26/1911infant s/o C. & M.
39MummeChristlieb H. J. 9/17/18983/12/1905
40MummeFrederick 12/29/18553/15/1930
41MummeJohann __/__/__7/6/1928(b:927/1853):
42NietensteinAlvinie 1/1/190712/30/1907d/o Wm. & Kea
43NinnemannEmilie N. __/__/1864__/__/1918
44NinnemannJohn C. __/__/1857__/__/1900
45PaetzmannElise 6/2/181711/12/1879
46PoetzingerJohannes C. 2/12/184511/26/1886s/o Christopher & Doropthea
47PriessAuguste Wilhelmine 2/18/183211/14/1906w/o Johan Christian Frederick
48PriessHermine 9/1/18828/4/1897d/o W. & Theoda
49PriessJohan Christian Frederick 2/18/18263/21/1906b. Kyretz Brandenberg; h/o Auguste Wilhelmine
50PriessWilh. 7/4/18587/13/1912h/o Theda Busboom
51SaundersFred __/__/____/__/__
52SchmaleMary E. __/__/1828__/__/1884
53SchulzeElizabeth 3/27/18557/24/1908w/o Ernest A.
54SchulzeErnest A. 2/6/18486/10/1924h/o Elizabeth
55VogesMaria 8/28/18151/26/1907
56VollstedtJohn 10/15/18502/20/1930
57VollstedtMaria 8/3/18553/13/1915
58VollstedtWilliam __/__/1887__/__/1928
59WarnsholzCaroline Neitzel 3/14/184712/24/1878w/o Jochim
60WarnsholzFrederich 12/3/18783/10/1879s/o C. J.
61WarnsholzJochim 9/17/184412/8/1919
62WillkeMartha 3/8/18966/24/1905d/o Pastor H. & M.

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