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Simmons Family Cemetery

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Submitted By Joy FisherThe Registry 08/25/2018

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Survey taken in 1930's; now called Simmons-Saltillo Cemetery

Total Records: 75
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1AntillMary E. __/__/__12/3/1880Age 26y8m16d; w/o J. P.
2BakerLewis __/__/__2/10/1892Age 66y
3BakerSarah E. __/__/__11/28/1914Age 86y11m
4BallEdward 6/29/18228/14/1878
5BlackburnMaysie H. Hoy 02/21/1905__/__/1912
6BrackenCarrie R. 10/2/18751/22/1878Age 2y11m
7BrackenErnest L. 12/27/187110/8/1872Age 9m11d
8BrackenJames M. __/__/1841__/__/1914
9BrackenMary A. __/__/1839__/__/1932
10BrackenMary Ann Simmons __/__/__11/22/1932Age 93y
11BrackenR. H. __/__/1866__/__/1922
12ClarkJonah S. 11/1/188211/24/1883s/o J. T. & I. E.
13ClideBabe __/__/__8/6/1877Age 11d
14CollinsMary __/__/__5/9/1882b. Scott Co., KY; Age 73y
15CovingtonMinnie Damrow __/__/____/__/__w/o Al
16DamrowAlice A. Lidolph 2/1/188110/22/1908w/o J. C. Jr.
17DamrowGrover E. 8/27/18843/22/1885
18DamrowJohn 8/28/18361/10/1913
19FordEffie C. Bracken 12/27/18719/20/1895Age 23y8m23d
20FosterWilber 2/27/180311/20/1880
21GeyerAnna __/__/1846__/__/1916
22GeyerWilliam __/__/1845__/__/1914
23Grant__/__/__4/5/1882Age 2d; d/o Robert & Jesie T.
24GrantBernice 1/30/19007/22/1903d/o B. H.
25GrantElla Frances __/__/1847__/__/1916
26GrantJessie T. __/__/__11/26/1886w/o Robert
27GrantJohn Allen __/__/1836__/__/1908
28GrantRobert __/__/__11/10/1895Age 50y; h/o Jessie T.
29HaaseEdna S. 6/18/18631/31/1923w/o Charles
30HaaseFredericka 9/13/184211/16/1913
31HaaseHenry 5/8/18407/26/1918
32HartmanHenry 4/28/18538/31/1895
33Hoy__/__/____/__/__triplet s/o Les B. & Mable
34HoyDaniel __/__/1843__/__/1919
35HoyOrville __/__/____/__/__s/o L. B.
36HoySarah E. __/__/1848__/__/1929
37HoyWm. B. __/__/1871__/__/1914
38HustonLeo __/__/__2/17/1886Age 7m8d; s/o Arthur & Susan
39KeelHenry W. 6/23/183012/16/1909b. Hanover, Germany
40KeelWilliam B. __/__/__2/27/1867Age 13y5m; s/o H. W. & Dora
41KincheloeJ. W. __/__/__9/27/1885Age 32y14m; c/o L. & V.
42KincheloeLawrence __/__/1810__/__/1889h/o Violetta
43KincheloeMary __/__/__9/18/1879Age 94y; w/o J.
44KincheloePardie __/__/__10/1/1885Age 2y5m
45KincheloeViletta __/__/1823__/__/1884w/o Lawrence
46KincheloeVioletta=e __/__/__6/18/1884Age 61y27d; w/o L.
47LidolphMargaret J. __/__/__2/22/1886Age 23y24d; w/o G. L.
48LidolphMaud M. __/__/__7/27/1887Age 4y4m27d
49LinhartMartha __/__/1835__/__/1906w/o Samuel
50LinhartSamuel __/__/1834__/__/1920h/o Martha; 6 WV Inf Cwar
51McNairClara F. 9/23/18627/6/1884Age 21y9m13d
52PillardDora __/__/1862__/__/__
53PillardFred __/__/1862__/__/1924
54PillardFreddie Elmer __/__/1887__/__/1900
55ReedJohney 4/21/18864/25/1886s/o John & Alice
56SharpLeroy M. 5/19/18957/14/1896
57SimmonsAmos __/__/1846__/__/1928s/o Henry & Catherine
58SimmonsAnnis Rosette 10/5/18541/12/1925d/o Henry & Catherine
59SimmonsCatherine __/__/__9/15/1887Age 66y; w/o Henry
60SimmonsElnora A. __/__/1852__/__/1895w/o Amos
61SimmonsHenry D. __/__/__4/2/1889Age 70y; h/o Catherine
62SimmonsHenry L. __/__/1874__/__/1927s/o Amos & Elnora A.
63SimmonsJ. D. __/__/__9/8/1874Age 33y
64SimmonsLaura Susan __/__/__9/9/18648/7/1910; d/o Henry & Catherine
65SimmonsLevi 12/6/18596/27/1937s/o Henry & Catherine
66SimmonsWarren 1/23/18624/7/1923
67TateGeorge __/__/__8/29/1900Age 22y; s/o Wm. & S. R.
68TeetersThomas P. 1/7/18745/21/1876s/o T. J. & M. A.
69WalkerElias __/__/__9/5/1888Age 71y, h/o Susan
70WalkerSusan __/__/__9/12/1888Age 74y; w/o Elias
71Wilterdink__/__/__8/5/1898Age 2y; s/o William & Caroline
72WilterdinkCaroline Simmons 8/13/18522/24/1930w/o Wm. B.; d/o Henry & Catherine Simmons
73WilterdinkCena 6/17/18968/5/1898
74WilterdinkCherry __/__/____/__/__gr.d/o Wm. B.
75WilterdinkW. B. 3/15/18485/14/1929h/o Caroline

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