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Meadows Cemetery

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Submitted By Joy FisherThe Registry 08/29/2018

Location: W. Mill Rd. Malcolm, NE Location Map   

Description and/or Directions

Survey taken in 1930's; located in Elk Precinct Now called Fish Family Cemetery

Total Records: 4
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1BolerNellie F. __/__/__9/30/1874Age 13y1m
2FishDr. Hosea O. 1/9/18293/14/1894
3FishMary E. 5/1/184412/22/1919
4MeadowsGuardie E. __/__/__4/28/1872Age 2y6m5d; c/o H. C. & A. M.

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