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Danish Cemetery

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Submitted By Joy FisherThe Registry 10/08/2018

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Description and/or Directions

1.5 miles east of Davey

Total Records: 35
NoLastnameFirst,Middle,Maiden NamesBirthDeathPlotInscriptionsNotes
1BakerLewis __/__/____/__/1912s/o A. E. & F. A.
3HansenHans 1/30/18403/2/1930h/o Christine
4HansenKathinka A. 1/6/18681/6/1924
5HansenMarie J. 4/25/18929/24/1894
6HansenPeter __/__/1847__/__/1928
7HansonAne Marie __/__/1855__/__/1925
8HansonAnna Maria E. __/__/186010/30/1895
9HansonLouis __/__/1848__/__/1916
10HansonMaren Christine 2/9/18605/16/1915w/o J. S.
11JensenAndrew __/__/1858__/__/1930
12JensonDan __/__/1892__/__/1927
13JohnsonKenneth G. 10/2/19101/13/1916
14JonesMrs. Helen __/__/188910/15/1935
16JorgensenK. J. __/__/____/__/__infant
17JorgensenOle 11/25/18788/15/1894
18KnudsonAnne Kirstine __/__/____/__/__
19KnudsonCharlie __/__/1883__/__/1886
20LarsenCary Birgitte 7/12/18779/4/1899
21LarsenElise Katrine 4/8/18529/1/1909
22LarsenFrederik 5/10/184910/18/1911
23LarsenHans 9/9/18329/1/1909b. Denmark
24LarsenLudvig 11/16/18841/15/1919
25LarsenMargrethe 11/8/18372/9/1909
26NelsonViggo E. 1/17/187011/25/1929
27NielsonPetra 10/16/187011/10/1892
29PedersenHannah 11/22/185610/11/1904w/o Jacob
30PedersenHans P. 7/13/186712/2/1893
31PedersenJacob __/__/____/__/__h/o Hannah
32RasmussenH. G. __/__/18276/9/1900
33RasmussenLewis C. A. 5/21/18937/10/1894
34RobertsonJames __/__/1862__/__/1895
35RobertsonWalter __/__/1892__/__/1935s/o James

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