The USGenWeb Archives Project - Alabama

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Alabama


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1930 Colbert County Federal Census Images

Thank you to Darlene (Campbell) Scott for the work
she did in contributing these images.

NOTE: Information came from Blue Roses Publishing Company
Date: 21-Jun-2002


D 17-01 - the Division is Brick Precinct 1
ED 17-02 - the Division is Tuscumbia Precinct, Tuscumbia City, Ward 1
ED 17-03 - the Division is Precinct 2, Tuscumbia City, Ward 2
ED 17-04 - the Division is Precinct 2, Tuscumbia City, Ward 3
ED 17-05 - the Division is Precinct 3, Tuscumbia City, Ward 4
ED 17-06 - the Division is Precinct 3, Tuscumbia City, Ward 5
ED 17-07 - the Division is Precinct 2 [Excluding City of Tuscumbia]
ED 17-08 - the Division is US Nitrate Plant No. 1 No Population
ED 17-09 - the Division is Precinct 3, Barton
ED 17-10 - the Division is Beat 4, Cherokee Town
ED 17-11 - the Division is Beat 4, Precinct 4, Exclude Cherokee Town
ED 17-12 - the Division is Precinct 5, Riverton
ED 17-13 - the Division is Precinct 6, Margerum
ED 17-14 - the Division is Precinct 7, Rock Creek
ED 17-15 - the Division is Precinct 8, Srygley
ED 17-16 - the Division is Precinct 9, Wheeler
ED 17-17 - the Division is Precinct 10, Poplar Creek, Beat 10
ED 17-18 - the Division is Leighton Town, Precinct 11
ED 17-19 - the Division is Precinct 11, Leighton, North Part, Exclude Leighton Town
ED 17-20 - the Division isPrecinct 11, Leighton, South Part, Exclude Leighton Town
ED 17-21 - the Division is Precinct 12, Camp Smith
ED 17-22 - the Division is Precinct 13, Pride
ED 17-23 - the Division is Precinct 14, Spring Valley
ED 17-24 - the Division is Precinct 15, Allsboro
ED 17-25 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffeld City Part 1
ED 17-26 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffield City Part 2
ED 17-27 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffield City Part 3
ED 17-28 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffield City Part 4
ED 17-29 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffield City Part 5
ED 17-30 - the Division is Precinct 16, Sheffield (pt) & US Nitrate Plant No. 1 ( Part )
ED 17-31 - the Division is Precinct Sixteen Sheffield (pt) & U.S. Nitrate Plant No. 2
ED 17-32 - the Division is Precinct 17, Muscle Shoals Town
ED 17-33 - the Division is Precinct 17, Muscle Shoals
( North Part ), Excluding Town
ED 17-34 - the Division is Precinct 17, Muscle Shoals
( South Part ) Excluding Town


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Thanks to Rootsweb for providing space for this site
and to the volunteers who sponsor the counties and everyone who has donated files to the site.

Updated: - - Wednesday, 11-Jun-2008 15:58:30 EDT